Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My plan to get highest grade on next exam

1) No more lunch, go to library during lunch break and study, eat a granola bar while I study.
2) No more changing for lab, this will save time and then I don't need to go home to change after lab, I can go straight to the library and start studying.
3) Don't leave the library until it closes.
4) Don't sleep. You know, if I don't sleep I will have an extra 6hours of studying time, thats a lot.
5) No more showers. No more shaving.
6) No more bloging? Well, I don't want to go overboard with this, I'll stil blog.


Mariam said...

That was super helpful. PSYCH bec. I already do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Quick quiz: what is an anal valve and in what kind of people do anal fissures form?
a) Look up anal valve.
b) People in desert and people who shove things up their rectum. I know you fall into latter.

Anonymous said...

c) pakistanis who shower inside a toilet