I will keep this last blog about Nazi war crimes short because I simply ran out of patience, and this subject is just plain depressing and its time to get back to lighter subjects. The other Slavs, which includes the Russians, the Ukrainians, and the Byelorussians, were massacred and butchered by the Nazis, during their invasion of the USSR, as much as the Poles were during the invasion of Poland. In fact, more Soviet civilians died during operation Barbarossa, then Polish people during invasion of Poland. The civilian causalities during the invasion of Poland were 150,000 (this doesn’t include the approximate 2 millions ethnic Poles that later would), the civilian causalities of Soviet citiziens during the war is generally agreed to be as high as 20 million. Another 10 millions died were soldiers. But 20 millions innocent civilians! Obviously not all of them were massacred in outright, most of them died during Nazi bombing raid, caught in cross battle fire, and so on. But most historians agree that the war in itself could only account for half of that number that perished, what about the other half? Well about a third of them were Jews, the rest, approximately 7 million, were Russians, Ukrainians, and Byelorussians. They were rounded up, either executed right away, or taken to concentration or slave labor camps where they would eventually perish as well. That is seven million innocent civilians that were murdered, not because of bombings, or cross fire, or other causes of war, but outright murder and extermination. I believe the sacrifice that the Soviet Union people made during WWII is underappreciated. The soviets sacrificed 20 million of their people, and liberated their own country, then went on to liberate all of Eastern Europe, most of the rest of Europe and half of Germany, and captured Berlin, and won the war, and nobody really appreciates what they have done to save the world. It wasn’t the US that won the war in Europe, it was all USSR.
thanks! :)
True, US didn't win the war in eastern Europe but they did win the war in Italy, France, Western Germany and pretty much all of western Europe. They also won the war in all of Asia and they were pretty much the only major side that was fighting Japan.
Again, it seems that nobody really knows what happened. So let me tell you. Who won the war is the question I presume, correct?
Well, yes there were a lot of people fighting and therefore this seems like a fairly complicated question...however it is not.
The Jews won the war.
How? Here is a short list of reasons, you be the judge:
1. The Jews ran the economy of Germany, so when they were sent to concentrations camps, the Germans had no idea what to do with the money and so they lost it. Thus, without financial resources, a war is impossible.
2. The Germans killed Jews, and so with less Jews, there were less people who knew about leadership in the German forces and so with less leadership, the Germans ultimately lost on the strategery side as well.
3. The Germans used too many of their resources to kill Jews. If they would have spent that energy on gassing the Russians or the Americans, they may have succeded, but in their drive to wipe out all the Jews, they lost focus and so ultimately lost the war.
4. When some of the Jews were liberated from concentration camps, many were multi-lingual and helped tremendously in sobatage and spying missions which created great chaos and panic among the German soldiers. Ultimately, this lead to the downfall of the Third Reich.
5. Any nation who has ever fought the Jews has ultimately lost including the Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians, the Romans, early Muslims, the Ottamans, the Mongols, the Assyaids, the Crusaders, Iraqis, the Iranians, etc...really there is not enough space here...and finally the Germans, so they lost simply bc they were trying to wipe out the wrong people.
6. Albert Einstein was a Jew...uhh, who came up with the Nuclear Bomb? Really, I think that was kinda a big deal, don't you remember history class?
I hope that cleared up any confusion any of you may have had. So one day, when your kids ask you who won the war...you will know better.
To Roman: again you bring up the Jews. Haha.
To Anonymous:
ummmm, not true, western Europe that was liberated by US and allied forced (UK, Canada, French forces-post 1944 and some Polish regiments as well)includes only Italy, France (which you mentioned) and the only other countries they liberated is Belgium and Netherlands and western Germany.
Now that is not "much of all of Western Europe" as you said, because as you know, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland were never occupied by Germany since those countries never joined the war. Now that puts the number of European countries liberated by US and Allies, at 4.5.
Now the USSR, alone, liberated the following countries in Europe: Western Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the then Czechoslovakia, the then Yugoslavia (I won't go into how many countries were part of it), Hungary, Austria, and Eastern Germany, thus the number of USSR liberated countries in Europe comes to 15.5
That’s 15.5 countries that the USSR liberated by itself, alone, vs the 4.5 countries that US liberated with its European allies. So there is no argument about who did the most work. As to the Pacific campaign, the US did make more contribution over there, but there it didn't even do that much, all it did was drop a few nuclear bombs on civilian cities, and that’s about it.
And as for the US winning "the war in all of Asia" as you put it, well buddy, you need to go read history books, because the country that did most of the work liberating Asia, was China, not to mention some help from USSR in 1945.
These past few blogs have been a little to serious. Ashot, where are the funny blogs?
i'm waiting for you Elvis, hurry the hell up.
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