Thursday, April 19, 2007

WTF?? How did I only make 2nd Lieutenant?...First of all, there is no hierarchy here. Second of all, after all that we've been through, I am completely embarrassed and am at a loss of words. Thirdly, if you are gonna make me something, then make me a undercover Israeli Agent, or Correspondent to the KGB...something of meaning...Otherwise, I demand that this list be removed at once...


Ashot said...

how about I make you the Royal Jew?

K-berg said...

VERRRY NICCCEE!! I just am about finishing, you removed the list, people listen to me for a change. VERY NICE!

Ashot said...

well what can I say, I'm a softy when it comes to a grown man bitching.

Mariam said...

Roman, as a veteran blogger since November, here is some friendly advice: blog entries should have a theme, not complaints about the blog. You should do that face to face. Don't air internal blog politics on the blog itself. It's just not classy.

K-berg said...

Mariam, don't ever tell me what to do ...