WTF?? How did I only make 2nd Lieutenant?...First of all, there is no hierarchy here. Second of all, after all that we've been through, I am completely embarrassed and am at a loss of words. Thirdly, if you are gonna make me something, then make me a undercover Israeli Agent, or Correspondent to the KGB...something of meaning...Otherwise, I demand that this list be removed at once...
how about I make you the Royal Jew?
VERRRY NICCCEE!! I just am about finishing studying...wow, you removed the list, people listen to me for a change. VERY NICE!
well what can I say, I'm a softy when it comes to a grown man bitching.
Roman, as a veteran blogger since November, here is some friendly advice: blog entries should have a theme, not complaints about the blog. You should do that face to face. Don't air internal blog politics on the blog itself. It's just not classy.
Mariam, don't ever tell me what to do ...
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