Monday, August 27, 2007

Peace be with you

If I saw you coming and smiled to you but you did not smile back, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.
If we stopped to eat and I shared my food with you but you didn’t share your water, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.
If you called on me for help and I answered but you didn’t answer when I called, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.
If I opened up to you and told you who I am but you did not open up to me, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.
If I gave you complements and I gave you praise but you put me down and humiliated me, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.
If I loved you more than I love myself but you betrayed me, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.
If I showed you my most cherished possession and you took it from me, do not worry, peace be with you my brother.

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