Have you ever heard the expression “time is money”? What do I mean by this? Well, as most of you agree, we are bombarded with a load full of information everyday in lectures. There is no way we can have enough time to learn every single thing about neuroscience and behavioral science. Just not practical. So, the professors give us notes, which (should) contain exactly what we will be tested on the exam. Sometimes, the professors run out of time, and have to hurry through the lecture, or simply say “read it on your own” and therefore we don’t get to hear the professor explain what the material mean. Where am I going with this? Well, to put it simply, we need to be respectful of each other, and we need to respect the time given to us in lecture. This means, we really need to restrict what kinds of questions are asked in class (perhaps even restrict who gets to ask questions but that may be pushing it). The only questions that should be raised in class should have to do with something specifically mentioned in the notes. Everything else, ask on your own damn time! Give us the respect of learning what will ACTUALLY be on the exam. If you want to broaden your knowledge, that is perfectly fine and naturally and I respect you for it because we all want to know more about our future profession (yet who really has the time right now?) but please don’t waste our god damn lecture time, and ask during breaks or after class, or even easier, look it up on wikipedia for petes sake. Come on people, is that really so much to ask? Oh and one more thing, the worst, is when someone raises a hand and doesn’t even ask a freaking question, but instead makes a comment or brings an example or something, oh very nice, your so smart, thank you for your input, woopediefreakingdoodaaa! What you expect me to give you a pat on the back for your immense storage of trivial information? Well then, my hat is off to you sir, would like to come over for a cup of tea? Here let me massage your massive brain! You know that would have been fine and dandy if this was some king of group discussion, but this is not a group discussion, this is a time limited lecture and how much we get out of it depends on how much the professor tells us, not on how much trivial facts that we hear from you.
Ashot, have you ever considered that perhaps you have too much time on your hands these days? That is indeed, another stupid question, because I think we all know the answer to that one!
Not only was this a worthy piece of blogging literature, but it also was a type of public service announcement to UTCOM 2010 in a similar vain to those NBC "The more you know" commercials that aired heavily during the 90s. Aaahh, Elizabeth Berkley, wherefore art thou post-Saved by the Bell and Showgirls?
I almost feel like distributing this in a pamphlet. Way to unite us in a common cause.
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