The opportunity presented itself this morning, when Mariam (a key back row baller) was foolish enough to forget to sign out of her blogger account after she asked to use one of our laptops to check her blog. After we noticed that she was still signed in, we got the go ahead from the Boss to go ahead and commence with Operation Blogvasion. We were in and out in matter of 10 minutes, but the damage was immense. By the time we were done, we added pictures of Borat, his sister, a hilarious picture of Ahmadinejhad, Mariams home, and a even a connection to Armenia, we also changed some things. However even though the operation was a success, we did fail shortly after when we couldn’t stop laughing, this resulted in raised suspicions, and shortly after the ballers checked their blog and discovered the wide spread damage. Shock and awe is the only way to describe their reaction. A relation is expected, but our freedom and our way of blog must be preserved at any cost. To pull out now would be failure on our part, what we need is success. To those of you who didn’t see the pictures we posted out their blog site, here are some of them.

Perhaps the most illustrious example of Ashot's notorious cryptic and unassuming stealthiness. Excellent.
Even in war, there is an acknowledgment of the enemy's grace in fighting the battle. And in this backrow blog war, I acknowledge the skill involved in graffiting our blog on the sly.
However, I am seriously dumb for not signing out of the blog . It shows my small town mentality of trust. There is no trust in blog wars.
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