Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Facebook Got Me

You know that Gloria Estefan song, the one that goes “the rhythm is going to get you?” Well they should make another song, one about facebook that goes “the facebook is going to get you!” After years and years of fierce resistance to join the facebook clan, I have finally capitulated and signed on to facebook. Some questions might come up such as why was I so resistant and who convinced me to join in the end? Back when I first heard of facebook, I was resistant because I didn’t really know what it was. First I thought it might be a dating thing, and so I figured “well I don’t need any help in that department” then I thought it was some thing for popular people, and I didn’t feel like competing in that, also I didn’t see any point in it because I figured if I need to tell any thing to my friends I would just call them on the phone. Final reason is that most of my friends in good old Lincoln Nebraska were users of myspace, so when I moved to Toledo, I opened a myspace account because I figured it would be a great way to keep in touch with my friends.

What do I think of facebook? I love it. What a great way to keep in touch with people. I already go a hold of some of my lost friends from high school and undergrad. Three of my good friends that I went to college with, well they went to medical school in Nebraska, and I lost track of them. Well after I joined facebook I found them and now we can stay in touch, it’s awesome. Another cool part is that you can put how you know a person when you make them a friend. It was really cool when I noticed that Roman put me as his cousin. Niiiiiiiiiice! But the best part is that me and Marianna are both on facebook and we can put that we are in relationship with each other. Very niiiiice!
But there is a negative, as there is a negative to everything. Negative thing number one, anybody I ever knew can find me and request to be my friend on facebook. That means they can see how I look now, what I am doing now, who my girlfriend is, who my friends are, where I live. Well, there are people out there that I rather have nothing to do with, and this makes it hard to do, since it turns out to be rude to not accept people as your friend on facebook. Second negative, I noticed I am spending a lot more time on facebook then I am writing and reading blogs. First thing I do when I get on computer is check my facebook to see if anyone requested me as a friend, or if someone left me a message, or if my friends have any new pics, preferably with me in them making a fool of myself (…NOT). This is addicting, but I figure that its only addicting since I just started to use facebook. I am sure over time I’ll get bored of it just as the rest of you must have, I hope anyway. The End.


Mariam said...
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Mariam said...

Like old, moldy bread, Facebook addiction gets worse with age.

Farrah said...

My little sister just became your friend on the facebook. I know b/c she just told me b/c she's in Ohio! You are now one of her 800 million friends. It is truly a place of honor. congratulations!

celeritas said...

i'm so sorry for posting dorky pictures of all of us...