Drop What you are Doing...and Listen to me. I never asked you to do this, so just listen. For 38 seconds.
I was just on Wikipedia and a great event has occured...A man by the name of Hovhannes Bagramyan is being acknowledged for what he did for the country of the USSR. You must go on Wikipedia and read about him. I know nothing of him, except that he looks smart, and Armenian. Is that not enough?
PS I have been out-of-service if you will for the past few days. My trip to Florida was excellent and I have many stories to tell all of you. However, let's get past these few finals and then we will talk again. Adieu to all.
I was just on Wikipedia and a great event has occured...A man by the name of Hovhannes Bagramyan is being acknowledged for what he did for the country of the USSR. You must go on Wikipedia and read about him. I know nothing of him, except that he looks smart, and Armenian. Is that not enough?
PS I have been out-of-service if you will for the past few days. My trip to Florida was excellent and I have many stories to tell all of you. However, let's get past these few finals and then we will talk again. Adieu to all.
Awesome! I was on wikipedia last night, as usual i like to drop in to check the main article, my jaw droped when I saw the main article. A featured wikipedia article on a great Soviet Armenian general Bagramyan, who fought against forces of tyranny and annihilation in both WWI and WWII. In WWI he fought against the Ottomans who were bent on destroying the Armenians, and in WWI he fought against the Nazis who were annihilating the Jews. A very important Soviet general and a hero for the Armenians. Thanks for noticing Roman! Spacibo!
hey thanks guys, I should get back to my studies however, just 17 more lecture left!
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