There is something that’s been on my mind recently and now it seems the only thing to do is to write a blog about it. How can I start this?
Sike! Ha-ha. Just kidding. I had you going didn’t I? Ha-ha. I’m just messing with ya. You all thought this was going to be another one of those “serious” blogs. Well, we had enough serious blogs as it these days; I’m not going to pull another one on you. Ha-ha. You might notice that the title of this blog doesn't make any sense compared to its content. Actually, this blog is not supposed to make any sense. If the poll on “what kind of blogs do you enjoy?” is correct, then people appreciate blogs about Elvis, but since the King started bloging recently, I figured writing a blog about Elvis serves no point. Therefore I went to the next most voted category, which turned out to be “nonsense blogs.” So here we are. You ever noticed how trashy our library gets on weekends? I swear, every weekend I get to the library, the trashcans are all full of trash. Sometimes it gets so bad, that it overflows, and there is no where to toss your empty bottle of soda-pop or your can of Red Bull. Speaking of Red Bull, isn’t it kind of freaky that those young Red Bull people keep coming to our school and hanging outside of our class rooms handing out free Red Bulls? I mean is this just plain altruistic generosity to exhausted med school students who need any extra source of energy they can get, or is there some kind of more sinister motive going on here? I mean what do they put into this stuff anyways, ever since they started handing out Red Bulls, I can’t stop craving this shit. I’m already on my third red bull today, and two weeks ago I never even touched the stuff. I guess the first step always is to admit you have a problem, well it aint my fault damn it, I can’t be held responsible when people hand out free red bulls. So what about the high gas prices these days? I mean shit, that sucks, I have to get gas tomorrow and I am afraid to look at the price. I guess May 15th is supposed to be gas boycott day, supposedly they boycotted gas for a day back in 1997 and the next the day the gas dropped 30 cents. Big deal right? Then it went up 30 cents gain the day after that. Screw you Big Oil, go eat a ****.
Sike! Ha-ha. Just kidding. I had you going didn’t I? Ha-ha. I’m just messing with ya. You all thought this was going to be another one of those “serious” blogs. Well, we had enough serious blogs as it these days; I’m not going to pull another one on you. Ha-ha. You might notice that the title of this blog doesn't make any sense compared to its content. Actually, this blog is not supposed to make any sense. If the poll on “what kind of blogs do you enjoy?” is correct, then people appreciate blogs about Elvis, but since the King started bloging recently, I figured writing a blog about Elvis serves no point. Therefore I went to the next most voted category, which turned out to be “nonsense blogs.” So here we are. You ever noticed how trashy our library gets on weekends? I swear, every weekend I get to the library, the trashcans are all full of trash. Sometimes it gets so bad, that it overflows, and there is no where to toss your empty bottle of soda-pop or your can of Red Bull. Speaking of Red Bull, isn’t it kind of freaky that those young Red Bull people keep coming to our school and hanging outside of our class rooms handing out free Red Bulls? I mean is this just plain altruistic generosity to exhausted med school students who need any extra source of energy they can get, or is there some kind of more sinister motive going on here? I mean what do they put into this stuff anyways, ever since they started handing out Red Bulls, I can’t stop craving this shit. I’m already on my third red bull today, and two weeks ago I never even touched the stuff. I guess the first step always is to admit you have a problem, well it aint my fault damn it, I can’t be held responsible when people hand out free red bulls. So what about the high gas prices these days? I mean shit, that sucks, I have to get gas tomorrow and I am afraid to look at the price. I guess May 15th is supposed to be gas boycott day, supposedly they boycotted gas for a day back in 1997 and the next the day the gas dropped 30 cents. Big deal right? Then it went up 30 cents gain the day after that. Screw you Big Oil, go eat a ****.
Stream of consciousness blogs are my favorite!
The backrowgangsters blog is like wine. It only gets better with age.
Where as the backrowballers...oops sorry I meant backrowbums (thanks Tahir) blog is like food. It just gets rotten with age.
another funny blog from Ashot, as for Elvis, isn't it time to let the backrowballer bashing a rest? I mean it really was funny for a while but now it's just awkward, I know you guys have more funny or interesting things to blog about. Much love.
How can there be an end of a friendship if there never was a start?
dumb ass
can't we all just get along
That was an interesting article on Wikipedia. The Battle of Stalingrad is my fave, but I don't think I like learning about military strategy :(
I want to see blogs about Elvis and blogs by Elvis!
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