Sunday, June 10, 2007

Psychopathic dream?

I woke up from a very weird dream this morning. I don’t remember most of the dream, except that I was part of a raid on some people. I remember I was part of some group but who they were and why I was with them I don’t know. The group was going around and killing everybody in sight, and I was doing the same. Men, women, no matter who got in my way I would either stab them with what I remember was a long ass sword which was in my left hand, or shoot them with a revolver that was in my right hand. So there I was running around with a weapon in each hand, sword in left, revolver in right, killing everybody in my way. I would run up to some woman and just stab her deep in her stomach with my sword and watch her die. Then I would run up to some dude and just shoot him in the face with my revolver. Sounds creepy right? Yeah I know, it’s a good thing I am not some psychopath.

1 comment:

sannere said...

I am not sure why you are sharing this story.