Casually looking through the news on the internet today I couldn’t help noticing the headline I saw on MSN news “Teen surgeon flees as police plan to arrest him.” Teen surgeon??? What the heck? I’m almost 25 and I’m only done with my first year of medical school, how the heck does this teenager a surgeon already? I had to read to find out. Turns out that the teen is only 15 years old and he actually delivered a baby by Caesarean section. How the heck is this possible? Well, it turns out he is a son of two surgeons, brown too (most likely Indian based on the dot I see on the mothers forehead, aha I’m so smart). The father of the boy really wanted his son to get into the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest surgeon in history. Unbelievable. What’s really funny is that the boy took off running to avoid arrest. I can just see him at a bar talking to the bartender, “they just don’t appreciate my genius, they don’t understand what I can do man. I’ll take milk, make it chocolate.” The article didn’t really say, but I assume the boy got his medical training from his parents, probably by the time he turned 10. Amazing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, brown people are too smart for their own good.
Patel? Patel?!?
OMG. Just Hilarious. Btw, surgery sucks. Brown people are cool.
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