Ok, so I just have some time to write a piece on my recent travels around the Western World and I hope I have some interesting things to say. You see, I was trying to discover some hidden aspects of this world so my first stop was London. As everyone knows, the world was built upon London, not Rome or Athens...no London was really the first megapower with colonies in far-off worlds of Asia, America and Africa - see in many ways, London is like AAA, there when you need them bad and there to help you out with a quick fix. They also had the steam engine. So what could be better......or so I thought.
Just one example, stay with me here.
Alex, a fellow traveler of mine and I settled into a cafe, i don't remember its name. He has the pictures, in the case you are seriously curious.
Well, the waitor approached us. That's where the trouble began. His English was not strong and for some reason, I immediately knew what to get, just some tea. I didn't want to confuse him and didn't have time for a full meal. Well, in fact, I changed my mind and ordered coffee. Being a coffee lover, I expected a large cup, 20oz, 16oz, dammit even 6 oz would have been sufficient. All I got were 2 dinky ounces. in a small porcelain cup. 4.00 euros.
WTF?! I traveled half way around the world to get this. Haha, that was half the trouble. My buddy, ordered a water. He just wanted it out of the tap. He got sparkling water in a nice bottle. In any case, he was pissed even more than I was, his water cost more than my coffee...think about it. His water cost more than my coffee and he didn't even want it. Well he ended up paying for it and eventually only ordered tap water after that.
Whats funny is that the waitor, along with others would stoop over us like a cloud while we were counting our change and grabbed it as soon as we were done. This is prevelant apparentely in the Western European countries. Fourtunately, he got little tip as the service sucked and you get what you deserve.
There are countries that rock in Europe mainly Holland, France and Germany. The UK could really use some work in the service department.
Our conclusion: Everything in America is better, bigger and cheaper so don't travel to UK if you are looking for fun. Vegas will suffice. Moreover, if you are dying to travel abroad, Israel is the place to go. Or Armenia. Just the two of those. You will enjoy them. Trust me.
you uncultured jew
I don't know. 2ounces of coffee-unless of course is was espresso. In which case, Roman you are an idiot.
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