The good scientists at Duke University Medical School say that the appendix might not be useless after all. It’s true. While at the library, I come over to check my email and what do I see, an article link about the appendix. Being the nerd that I am I immediately clicked on the link and read the whole thing. So here is the main point. These guys did some research and they published a paper and they say the main role of the appendix is to grow and protect the good germs, i.e. your normal flora. As some of you know there are more bacteria than there are human cells in the typical body. We are literally a big sack of bacteria walking around like we all that. Most of the bacteria are good and help digest food, keep us immune, etc. etc. Anyways, sometimes the flora of bacteria in the intestines die or are purged. Diseases such as cholera or amoebic dysentery would clear the gut of useful bacteria. Well the researchers at Duke say that when this happens it is the appendix's job to reboot the digestive system. In a way it acts as a factory and safe house for the good bacteria, and whenever the need arises, the appendix will replenish the GI with a fresh batch. Pretty damn exciting, isn’t it? I mean all these years we thought it was a useless sack of tissue, well we could be wrong. However, don’t start dancing around like joyful circus moneys just yet. As most of you know medical knowledge changes every year, as they find out more and more about the human body and how things work. So my advice: hold on to your butts.
I hate stupid studies like these - I mean, people are dying of effing AIDs and they're spending research grants on stupid shit like this.
Finally, DUKE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TARHEELS!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, don't be bitter just because you couldn't get in hahaha
This article blows my nuts...I expect something funny, whitty, something that will make my day.
Instead, you have the cajones to post a journal review article on the function of the appendix?....what next, the use of antibiotics in resistant strains of Neisseria Gonorrhea....
come on brother, if you are gonna make me read something, make it good.
blog sucked...sorry ashot...me and the k-berg are brothers in this matter
thats was from me btw
What you all bitching at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to write about what you want to? You need blogs like this one. You need blogs like this so you can point your fuckin’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy." So... what that make all of you? Good? You're not good. You just don’t write. Ashot, he don't have that problem. Him, he always writes blogs. Even when they suck. So show respec for the bad guy! The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you.
P.S. T you might be a little out of the loop on this one
Awww, Elvis, you are too sweet defending your friend like that!!! First, your facebook profile pic and now this. :)
Ashot, all of this sudden outrage towards me...is it bc you are anti-semetic?
well fill me in
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