So Ashot and I decided we will have a chess tournament to determine who is number #1 chess player in Toledo...starting tomorrow. It will continue until mid-December, and a second tourament will commence in January. The tournament will include a chess board, polished glasses, lots of water and girls to hold up score cards (we are still looking for volunteers...so don't be shy). If you'd like to lose in less than 15 moves, let us know, your skill or lack thereof will be appreciated.
Btw the two pics above are 2 of the top 8 grandmasters in the world - just out of the 2007 World Chess Championships. One on the left is Armenian, the other is a Jew. The remaining 5 of 6 players are Russians and the 8th grandmaster, who won it all is from India, which happens to be a former Soviet Bloc country, so in other words...R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
yeayaiee! word to ya mommas: soviet bloc in the house!
OMG DORK-FEST 2007 commences tomorrow. I'll be sure to make the announcement during class.
mariam...you know what's funny about what you said...?
that's what.
Mariam you should be the volunteer girl that holds up the scorecards
yes! I agree.
muslims are lame
jews are lame
so is your mom ~ M
why cant we have peace?
ps mariam, stop being dismissive
Tahir is right. Salam Mal'ekim
I don't know this anonymous is, but he means trouble. It wasn't me. I only write as K-berg.
PS We could also use guys as cardholders. But you must be of Soviet Bloc origin (Russia, Israel, Armenia, China, India, etc...) to play. Sorry Pakistan doesn't qualify.
you are just mad that in the 80s the northern pakis and the afghans gave a beating to the russians.
OMG, it's not just Mariam. This is really dorky, like REALLY dorky.
what? I don't remember that...
Chess...is a way of life.
PS The Russians have never lost a war. . . You should know better.
the Russians...never lost a war!!!????
you are quite the funny Russian K-Berg
Soviet Union was most best civilization in history time! Eto pravda!
Ashot, write another blog, its about time...
The Russians lost WWI, arguably. I mean they freaking pulled out bec. they were too busy killing their tsars and having a Civil War with like 50 billion colors to, I don't know, combat the rising, evil superpower Germany.
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