That’s what President Putin said when asked if he will have the constitution changed so that he could run for another term as President of the Russian Federation. I will not be the man that will change our country’s constitution, however, I’ll still keep my eye on thing is what Mr. Putin said. Well, me and those who like me are in tune to Russian politics were wondering just what exactly does he mean when he says that he will still keep his eye on things. Will he pick a successor who has the same ideology about the future of Russia as he does? Will he pick somebody to hold the seat warm for him and come back to power legally after skipping a term? Is he just lying and does he plan to run again after all? Or is he just going to show up one day in a Darth Sidious robe and proclaim himself emperor of a new and more powerful Russian Empire? Well most people realized that somehow Putin was going to his hold on power in Russia one way or another, and today we found out a little bit about just how he plans to do it. Putin announced today that he would be the leading candidate on the ticket of Russia’s dominant political party in parliamentary elections in December, and said he might become the country’s prime minister next year. There you go folks, that is how he is going to do it, that is how its going to be done. Earlier this year Putin fired his prime minister and put in place a new one, a man who was largely unheard of in Russian politics, and most people agree that this is the man that Putin wants in his place while he stays backstage and pulls that strings. Now we know how it will be done. As the leading candidate on the ticket of Russians dominant political party, United Russia, Putin will have great influence and control over the Russia government, while his puppet President keeps his chair warm for his return in four years. However, even now the future is still uncertain (always in motion the future is), and if I know Putin, and I think I do (well actually I don’t, but for the sake of this blog lets pretend I do), then his latest public remark is all part of a charade. You see, Putin is fearful of betrayal and of losing his influence in the Kremlin’s mercurial inner sanctum and in the end he may yet reverse his course and decide to serve a third consecutive term despite the constitutional prohibition. And if anybody gives him any shit about the constitution all he needs to do is scream “I AM THE CONSTITUTION!!!”
A Tiger don't change its stripes.
Same with Putin - about as dangerous, corrupt and wise a politician as you can imagine. So, I suggest you get cozy, grab some popcorn, cause this is gonna be good.
Kinda like Castro...but better...this time, perhaps, with special effects.
putin is in my top 5 fav politicians
easy t...respect.
Professor Rees..."you in the back, what do you get when you add up all those digits...."
"uhh, 3000?"
Priceless moment presented by mathematics t.
werd? what the fuck, why can't you all learn how to speelll?
Spellin rait is fo nerds
The same thing is kind of happening in Pakistan with Musharraf resigning as general and appointing someone else as army chief. But in this case Musharraf will still hold some power as president of Pakistan.
Fun factoid of the day: My mom says we know this Gen. Kiani guy. OMG, I am like SO popular!
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