Sunday, February 3, 2008
English are getting more stupid?
Seriusly folks, after reading about this new poll I am afraid that the answer is yes. Thats right according to a new poll the Britons are losing their grip on reality. This poll which came out Monday, showed that nearly a quarter think Winston Churchill was a myth while the majority reckon Sherlock Holmes was real. You got to be freaking kidding me. Oh but it gets better. The survey found that 47 percent thought that the 12th century English king Richard the Lionheart was also a myth. I guess Saladin was nothing but a bogeyman then. And 23 percent thought Crimean War nurse Florence Nightingale did not actually exist. Three percent thought Charles Dickens, one of Britain's most famous writers, is a work of fiction himself. Bah, humbag Mr Dickens! Looks like your expectations didn't turn out as great as you may have wanted. Seriously, maybe the Nightingale thing is passable for a myth, but freaking Churchill? A myth? That was only 60 years ago for petes sake, the guy is in every history book across the world, how dumb do you have to be?
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Putin is Person of the Year!

This isn't really a blog its more of an announcement and another excuse to hail the greatest leader in the world, comrade Putin and put up this picture I found which is awesome! Hail comrade! Putin was made Time magazines person of the year, and its about time. The man is the greatest thing that happened to Russia since Lenin. Soon all will hail Putin, and one day in the future when you go to your local McPutins to have a McBorsh, remember how it all began in these chaotic times when you and I could enjoy the free web and type and read any blogs we damn wished. Soon this freedom nonsense will be over with and we can all enjoy some delicious borsh. Dosvidaniya druzya!
Comrade Ashot
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
When The Legendary Blogs Die
People, something terrible happened! Our wonderful, amazing, and deliciously dirty blog that cought the attention of the world and brought in a net profit of 106 blog comments, has passed away! This is a sad day in blog history. This blog was a ground breaking blog. In no other time of blogistory has there been such a successful blog. 106 comments! And it was still growing. I mean, just think how big it could have been, had it not been cut down in its prime! Huge! Big! Very Huge! I was so saddened when I saw that our beloved blog has gone to blog heaven, that I decided that I would forgo my long awaited 60 blog extravaganza entry (I guess until the 100th blog), and write a blog about this tragic event. What is a sad day. Why? Why do all the greatest taken from us so soon after they come to us? Are we not worthy? Are we not worthy of a presence of such a great blog? Answer me Lord? Why has thee taken our blog so soon after its works of miracle? Dear blog, you left us mighty big fucking shoes to fill, big fucking shoes. And most of us know that we could never fill those mighty god damn large fucking shoes, but we try to do our best, to keep our memories of your glory, alive, as we shall continue writing excellent blogs until the end of time (or the internet). I declare 106 days of mourning in memory of our departed blog. Rest in peace dear blog, you shall be missed,
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Why you gotta love Lehmann.

Why you gotta love this man you ask?
1. His beard...natural, untamed, unmatched, unconquered.
2. His gut. What a Classic and majestic beer belly.
3. He went to Cambridge
4. He is "not a doctor like you guys", but a "botanist by training."
5. He thinks cook books are for girls and handy books are for boys.
6. He has his mic attached every time he goes to the bathroom stall. Niccccce!
7. He will interupt you during an explanation and tell you that he needs "to go"
8.He has a tetanus-like jerk reaction removing his glasses when he reads his notes
9.You can't help but yell at him on Monday mornings...well bc you are sleep deprived and got a case of the Mondays
10. He is is Borat. Resssssspect.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Why I came to lecture today

Right, now, 1:03 pm and I am one of 42 students in attendance. Jason and I are manning the back row and no one besides us. It's scary, being somewhat alone, without the rest of the gang, but that's what I do, I am here when you aren't, I am here when all others have given up...I am here to the end. Think about it. Then post if you dare.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Does Russia have the US-of-A by its balls?

In the 64 years, no sane person (not celebrating Ramamdan) has been, seen, smelled or breathed or Iranian air...until...
2007...Putin, now that he has some money from all that oil (oil barrel prices hit $85 today, a record) he is going to guessed it, to Iran to meet with the sympathetic, democratically-elected, Ahmadinijihad. Anyways, he is helping him build some nuclear factors, obtain some more Soviet-era weapons, enrich some uranium...the usual...except that this is the beginning of something big (West v. East Parta Deux) as I have been predicting all along...
Anyways, I was kinda bored so I'd figure someone would have wanted to read this...PS Who would ever want to assassinate Putin (check the news)?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
One step closer
The House Foreign Relations Committee voted to approve the Resolution 106 recognizing the Armenian Genocide. This means they have approved to bring the resolution to a floor vote at the House of Representatives. So far so good, however, House speaker Palosi could still back down to pressures from Bush and the Turks, and prevent the bill from reaching the floor for a vote. She said before that she wouldn't, however women have been known to lie, so I ain't going to hold my breath. I'll just wait and see. For those of you who are wondering why I care so much, its not only because I am Armenian. Long story short, my great-grandfather was a genocide survivor. He had to flee his home to another country. Because he had to leave his home, I wan't born in Armenia, I was born in another country of Turks, where 80 years later Armenians would again die by the hands of Turks, and this time it would affect me directly, resulting in me and my family leaving our home behind and becoming refugees, just like my great-grandfather. So as you see, it does affect me, and that is why I care. This shit just doesn't get sweeped under the rug and forgotten. This shit sticks around and changes families forever. Without foreclosure, these families will be forever refugees even if they find a new home.
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