Why you gotta love this man you ask?
1. His beard...natural, untamed, unmatched, unconquered.
2. His gut. What a Classic and majestic beer belly.
3. He went to Cambridge
4. He is "not a doctor like you guys", but a "botanist by training."
5. He thinks cook books are for girls and handy books are for boys.
6. He has his mic attached every time he goes to the bathroom stall. Niccccce!
7. He will interupt you during an explanation and tell you that he needs "to go"
8.He has a tetanus-like jerk reaction removing his glasses when he reads his notes
9.You can't help but yell at him on Monday mornings...well bc you are sleep deprived and got a case of the Mondays
10. He is British...as is Borat. Resssssspect.